Learn Theatre for Life
Transform your shows and classroom learning with the help of our digital resources. We’re in it with you!
make it sparkle
Short, fun ‘how-to’ videos to elevate your craft and stir your creative fire.
From passionate theatre and dance creators like you.
Are you the ‘Inspired’ type?
Do you believe that theatre…
• Is more than just entertainment?
• Tells incredible stories that change lives?
• Is meant to be shared?
• Can bring all kinds of people together?
• Should be a community of dreamers, learners and doers?
Thought so!
what we’re about
Meeting new theatre people and always learning and growing.
We love New York! (of course)
Dreaming big and then putting our heads down to ‘get it done.’
Celebrating wins with 80’s music (and the obligatory spontaneous dance party).
Our splurge of a coffee maker. Worth every penny.
Going ‘behind the stage’ to see theatre in the making.
Building this community of incredible (creative, optimistic, kind) people!

“Remember that you aren’t teaching kids theatre, not really. You are teaching them to be better humans through emotional vulnerability, listening, and collaboration.”
— Curtis Barber, Theatre Director & Teacher, TX