Tips for Armed Stage Combat

Make it Sparkle Video with Mike Catron,
Stage Combat Choreographer

10:30 (runtime)

About Mike Catron

“I am a High School English Teacher and Assistant Theatre Director.

I am also a certified Taekwondo Instructor, holding a 6th degree black belt in the Universal Taekwondo Association and American Grandmasters Association.

I teach Taekwondo, practical self-defense, and work as a stage combat choreographer.

I have taught martial arts for over 25 years, have been a high school teacher and combat choreographer for over 10 years. I started my own stage combat service: Three Esses Combat Choreography, in 2018.

As I English teacher, I teach primarily Creative Writing and AP English. My background in Literary Analysis, Creative Writing, Theatre, and Combat provides me with a useful synthesis of perspectives that inform my stage work. 

In addition to custom choreography, I teach stage combat workshops with a variety of objectives: teaching pairs or small groups ‘set’ fight choreography they can incorporate into multiple performances, work-shopping combat techniques and characterization and helping students develop open scenes incorporating simulated violence, and working with directors on the rudiments of stage violence.

Beyond these professional interests, I enjoy travel, cuisine, cycling, and anything related to Rhetorical, Literary, Cultural, and Film analysis and criticism.”


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