Charlotte’s Web: Building the World

Make it Sparkle Video with Beth Auble
High School Theatre Teacher & Director

Director’s Notes

In this segment, Beth discusses

  • Using digital projections to transition easily between settings.

  • Using digital projections to minimize the amount of set pieces you need to build. 

  • Using "double projections" - ie,  two different projections on two different screens at the same time. 

  • When designing a show, dream of everything you could ever want, and then pare it down based on your capacity.

  • Also understand your bare minimum requirements. 

  • Practical projection tips:

    • Make sure your students/tech team know the password to the projection computer, in case the computer locks during the show.

    • Make sure everyone knows where the cords are, and that they're taped down.

  • Check out the world of moving projections, and bring your show to life!


Silent Sky: Tips for Directing


Creating Cast Culture